Because knowledge matters, since 1988

Transportation Engineering and Equipment

Engenharia e Equipamento de Transportes

It's best to do one thing really, really well
From "10 things Google has found to be true" (

Aviation and Aeronautics
Shipbuilding and Marine Technology
Railways Engineering and Equipment
Road Transport
Traffic Studies
Modelling Studies
Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Owner's Manuals
Installation Instructions
Press Releases
Technical Brochures and Catalogs
Technical Specifications
Training Literature and Presentations
Technical Proposals / Bids

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Some End Users of my Transportation Engineering and Equipment Translations

Alguns utilizadores das minhas traduções de Engenharia e Equipamento de Transportes

Aero Specialties (USA) TLD Group (USA)

All product names and logos mentioned in this page are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or service marks
or registered trademarks or service marks of their respective companies and the exclusive property of their respective owners. If you believe
I am infringing your copyright, you may request immediate removal of the copyright violation by sending me an email to that effect.
NOTE: I am not claiming that the companies mentioned above have hired my translation services directly.
My work may have been contracted by other companies on behalf of such companies.

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Copyright© 1999- João Roque Dias, CT   •   Technical Translator   •   Tradutor Técnico   •    Updated: 13 Jul 2024 18:58 WEST