Because knowledge matters, since 1988

JRD Store – My Glossaries for Sale (and other stuff)

Loja JRD – Os meus glossários para venda (e outras coisas)

"Certainly there are things in life that money can't buy, but it's very funny:
did you ever try buying them without money?"
Ogden Nash (1902–1971), American poet.

All PDF files listed below are compatible with Adobe/Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4) or later.
Download the latest Adobe® Reader® for free from Adobe's website.

Glossary of Fasteners

Glossário de Elementos de Ligação

Mechanical Engineering Glossary

Glossário de Engenharia Mecânica

Units of Weight and Measurement for Translators

Unidades de Medida: Um Manual para Tradutores

Free Glossaries

Glossários de importação livre

Free Files for Download

Ficheiros de importação livre

I received both Glossaries and everything is OK. I had already given a first look at them and I do need to say they have exceeded my expectations! I am impressed with their Quality, an outstanding result from a long and thorough research and dedication! Please also accept my compliment concerning your website. I do need to say your website is very attractive and user friendly! In my opinion, your website is one of the best examples how translators can cope with new technologies, as far as the Internet is concerned.

Frank F. (Germany)

Glossary of Fasteners


English – European Portuguese

Threads, Bolts, Nuts, Keys, Materials and Tools

Glossário de Elementos de Ligação


Inglês – Português Europeu

Roscas, Parafusos, Porcas, Chavetas, Materiais,


100 pages/páginas (PDF) – More than 5480 entries

70,00 € (approx. $76.00)

Leia o meu artigo sobre este glossário (PDF, em inglês)publicado no PLData (Boletim Informativo
da Divisão de Língua Portuguesa da Associação Americana de Tradutores).

Read my article about this glossary (PDF) published
at PLData
(Newsletter of the Portuguese Language Division of the American Translators Association).

Sample (10 pages / 1 MB) — Letter A — Free / Grátis

Presentation Poster

Pay by PayPal or bank transfer. Document will be sent within 24/48 hours after payment is received.

Mechanical Engineering Glossary

Gears, Welding, Piping, Materials, Instruments, Foundry, etc.

Glossário de Engenharia Mecânica

Engrenagens, Soldadura, Tubagem, Materiais,

Instrumentos, Fundição, etc.

124 pages/páginas / PDF – More than 6970 entries

40,00 € (approx. $44.00)

Amostra (5 páginas / 72 kB) — Grátis

Presentation Poster

Pay by PayPal or bank transfer. Document will be sent within 24/48 hours after payment is received.

Unidades de Medida para Tradutores

Um Manual para Tradutores, em português (PDF)

74 páginas. Índice Remissivo com cerca de 390 entradas.

30,00 € (approx. $33.00)

Amostra (6 páginas / 634 kB) — Grátis

Presentation Poster

Pay by PayPal or bank transfer. Document will be sent within 24/48 hours after payment is received.

    Free Glossaries
    Glossários de importação livre
    Bear with me!
    An EN-PT-E Glossary with Bearing on Many Things
    Bear with me!
    Glossário EN-PT de apoios, chumaceiras e rolamentos
    (algumas notas para eliminar as confusões)

1218 kB

    Terminologia da Soldadura em Português Europeu
    com um Glossário Inglês - Português Europeu
    Welding Terminology in European Portuguese
    with an English - Euro Portuguese Glossary

372 kB

    Other Free Downloads
    Outros ficheiros de importação livre
    Units of Weight and Measurement
    Unidades de Pesos e Medidas (inglês)

Handout (52 kB)

Questionnaire (759 kB)

    Translating Technical Manuals:
    What are they? What are they used for?
    A Tradução de Manuais Técnicos:
    O que são e para que servem? (inglês)

Handout (58 kB)

Slides (847 kB)

    Translating Technical Manuals — Part II:
    A Tradução de Manuais Técnicos — Parte II

Handout (56 kB)

Slides (2,4 MB)

    Translating Technical Manuals
    A Tradução de Manuais Técnicos

    in Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

    III Jornadas de Línguas Estrangeiras Aplicadas

Slides (6,9 MB)

    Translating Technical Manuals

    Frequently Asked Questions

    in The ATA Chronicle (June 2012)

Article (197 kB)

    Quem não sabe de ventos, traduz tempestades...
    Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent...

    in Oficina de Tradução 2005

    Fronteiras da Tradução Especializada

    ISCAP, Porto, Portugal

Slides (3,4 MB)

    A Passion for Plums

    in MOX II – What they don't tell you about translation

     Alejandro Moreno-Ramos is a Spanish fellow engineer and translator, and the creator of Mox, a character now famous worldwide in the translation community. Alejandro was exceedingly kind to invite me to participate in his book, MOX II. "A Passion for Plums" was what came out of my pen for the occasion. You can read my text, together with 11 contributions by other fellow translators, and, of course, 205 Mox's comic strips in Alejandro's newest book, "MOX II – What they don't tell you about translation".       
MOX II – What they don't tell you about translation

692 kB




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Copyright© 1999-2024 João Roque Dias   •   Technical Translator   •   Tradutor Técnico   •    Updated: 12 Jun 2024 16:08 WEST